I view the Office of Sheriff through the C.O.P. lens.

Citizen-involved: I will create a multi-purpose(volunteer)Sheriff Posse and expand the (volunteer) Reserve Deputy Program. Both will serve as field service multipliers with little cost to the taxpayer and be integral components in the daily operation of the Ada County Sheriff’s Office. Learn more below.

Oath-centered: The Idaho State Constitution & Constitution for the united States will be taught to deputies. They will know what the oath means, why they take it and what it looks like “in action.” The tyranny of COVID will NOT be suffered again.  The Bill of Rights are the UNTOUCHABLES!  **The oath of office is NOT to a person, but to the respective promises and protections of the Constitutions. 

Pro-active: Effective crime fighting by removing the paralyzing influence of social justice and other Marxist machinations of the War on Cops. To that end, Implicit Bias training (CRT for deputies) will end immediately as will the ACSO’s long relationship with the MacArthur Foundation.    

The following are some of the substantive changes I will make as your Sheriff through my “C.O.P” lens.


Staffed by jail deputies and reserve deputies the van will respond to the scene of arrest and transport the prisoner(s) to jail. The van(s) will be centered-up in the middle of the county for more efficient dispatching. Their availability and location will show on the mobile data terminal in patrol vehicles.

Many arrests are for warrants and there is no evidence to process by the arresting deputy/officer. In those cases, the patrol deputy/officer can remain in the field and return to service sooner – given that a trip to the jail and back is avoided.

Other advantages are that the van can transport multiple prisoners, provides more humane transport for large body types, and protects the dignity of the prisoner(s) *who are presumed innocent – by blocking them from public view. Male and female prisoners can be transported safely with a partition in the van.

Funding for the purchase and maintenance of the van(s) will be sought from local car dealers and other businesses that can proudly post their contributions to community safety. If there is no buy-in from the public, the van(s) will be budget items.  A mileage fee from cities using the service is a consideration to support the program.   

Starting as a pilot program, the vans will come from the court transport fleet and used after court hours.  In time, there will be vans dedicated for this service, available on all shifts.  They will be marked, partitioned and outfitted with overhead lights.


Open access to booking photos will stop.  Most jail inmates are in pre-sentence status and as such are afforded the presumption of innocence. The practice of making all booking photos available allows for the potential of public shaming which is an element of social justice, not criminal justice, or public safety. 

*Photos of Registered Sex Offenders and Wanted Persons (until capture) will be posted. Booking photos related to High-Profile Offenses may be released to the media at the Sheriff’s discretion as a matter of public interest and safety.


It will be the policy of the Ada County Sheriff that all federal “law enforcement” and regulatory agencies check in with the Sheriff – personally – before taking any enforcement action anywhere in the county. There are ample examples in Idaho and nationally of abuse and corruption by the FBI and BLM to cause concern that The People’s rights are in jeopardy by any federal agent or bureaucrat.

The Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the county and will be a clearing house for federal enforcement actions.

In the matter of BLM, their local enforcement powers shall be revoked.  Below is the order that will be communicated.

“Effective immediately, I am revoking law enforcement powers from the Bureau of Land Management in Ada County.  My oath compels me to take this action.

Article 1, Section 1 of the US Constitution gives ALL law-making power to Congress. Regulations are not law; Congress did not pass them. Regulatory enforcers are not law enforcement officers. Regulatory agencies like the BLM are part of an Administrative State that has been superimposed over the very Constitution I am swore to defend.

It would be offensive to my oath to give law enforcement powers to an agency of the Administrative State. Such an action would serve only to help legitimize the illegitimate and put in jeopardy the citizens of Ada County.”



The United States is vulnerable due to our southern border being wide open. In addition, Idaho shares a border with Canada that appears easy to cross illegally.  News footage of the southern border shows military age men from the Middle East, China, Russia and other regions entering illegally in large numbers. Common sense tells us terrorists are in the United States. When and where will they attack? What weapons will they use? How can we protect ourselves?

The (volunteer) Sheriff Posse is NOT a ceremonial or public relations position. The posse will be an INTEGRAL part of the daily operation of the ACSO.  The most visible team will be “Citizen Posse on Patrol” in contract cities and the unincorporated north and south county areas. They will model the successful “Citizens on Patrol” program of the Mountain Home Police Department. Communications will be monitored by a posse dispatcher. Their primary mission is simple: Observe and Report. This is a non-enforcement, support role. Other duties include traffic control, search & rescue, and supply transport to deputies during disasters or prolonged field operations.

The second most visible team will be the (Armed) School Posse, made up of retired police and military. Their sole purpose is to deter and engage active shooters. They answer to the SRO assigned to the respective schools. Through this program, law enforcement will become the “second responders” to active shooter calls.

One of the statutory duties of Sheriff is: “Prevent and suppress all affrays, breaches of the peace, riots and insurrections that may come to his knowledge.”  *Although the least often anticipated need, an important role under the posse umbrella is force-multipliers for times of unrest; specifically in Riot Control. Select members of this team will train regularly so that when the need arises, they respond in an orderly manner with command presence and effectiveness. Gear will be purchased by each member and can thereafter be donated or sold to new members as others step down through natural attrition.  

To accelerate recruitment a “Defend Ada” campaign will launch focusing on the “enhanced concealed carry population” for obvious reasons: They are not felons and have demonstrated some knowledge and proficiency with handguns, therefore are a good pool to fish from for first-generation formation of the unit.


The Sheriff is the CLEO (Chief Law Enforcement Officer) of the County.  It is incumbent on the Sheriff to have the capability to respond – Countywide – to restore order, respond to emergencies, and to assist or replace capabilities of city and state police. To this end, the ACSO will recruit from the county population an all-volunteer group and label it with the historically familiar term long associated with Sheriffs: “Posse.” 

The Sheriff Posse will consist of vetted citizen-volunteers and train regularly in a variety of areas as a ready auxiliary force that can be “commanded” to aid the Sheriff per the authority of IC 31-2202(5).

Prudence requires that the Sheriff have a ready auxiliary force to command in the performance of his duties.  When circumstances require mature, trusted, and competent force multipliers they must already exist. It is from that forward-thinking (prudent) perspective that the Posse will be formed. 

Posse authority does not activate until members arrive at a muster location when “commanded” by the Sheriff.  Authority is limited in scope and duration by the Sheriff, or his deputy assigned to a posse squad that is called up.

*Posse members are NOT deputy sheriffs, NOT reserve deputy sheriffs and are NOT law enforcement officers. Posse members that represent themselves as such will be charged with impersonating a law enforcement officer.  Posse identification cards with be prominently stamped NON-LAW ENFORCEMENT INDENTIFICATION.

The spirit of the formation of the posse is tied to Peelian Principle 7:¹ “Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.”

*The Posse is fiscally responsible in that its members absorb nearly all the cost of their participation, including equipment. The burden of cost is part of the vetting process and is a measure of commitment to this noble role. Equipment can be donated or sold to new members as a matter of natural attrition.  


The three main roles of the Sheriff Posse are Citizen Posse on Patrol, Riot Posse, and (Armed) School Posse (trained in active shooter response). Additional roles are Greenbelt Posse (observe and report). Poll watchers and other needs at the direction of the Sheriff.


Crowd/riot control will be done quarterly after initial competence is achieved.  Riot Posse and (Armed) School Posse members will qualify with a sidearm/long gun quarterly.


The goal is to staff a minimum of 20 posse members in each zip code with predesignated muster locations. Once assembled, Posse squads will deploy under the command and supervision of the Sheriff or a Deputy Sheriff.  


Uniforms and all equipment to be funded by the members. Fundraisers and tax-exempt status are anticipated. Gear can be sold or donated to replacement members as the program continues.

Qualifications and Application Process:

Applicants must meet established minimum standards for volunteers including:

  • No felony convictions
  • No misdemeanor convictions for domestic battery, child abuse, stalking or peeping tom
  • No DUI convictions or driver’s license suspensions in the past 3 years
  • Not currently under the jurisdiction of the court
  • No illegal drug use in the last 3 years (recovering addicts and alcoholics must have 3 years of established sobriety)
  • No dishonorable discharges
  • Able to perform strenuous physical training
  • Release of liability waiver
  • Ability to qualify with a handgun
  • Ability to provide the gear required: Uniform, helmet, riot baton, handcuffs, vests.
  • Minimum age 18

Complete our online application. The volunteer coordinator will contact you to for:

  • An in-person interview
  • A criminal history and a background check
  • A polygraph examination


I began my career as a reserve peace officer. I will recruit residents from the contract cities of Eagle, Star, Kuna, and the unincorporated county to serve as Reserve (volunteer part-time) Deputies.  Reserve Deputies will serve on patrol as partners to full-time deputies. Reserves are cost effective for taxpayers, improve service and coverage, strengthen our connection to The People and increase safety for deputies. Another role will be to staff the prisoner transport van mentioned above.  

  1. Robert Peel established the London Metropolitan Police Force in 1829. His nine principles are collectively called Peelian principles.